• Dedicated Professionals
  • Caring, Compassionate
  • Ontario's Paramedics
  • Bringing Emergency Medicine to You


On Sunday June 29 th 2014, Toronto EMS and Peel Paramedic Services combined forces to participate in the World Pride parade. This was Toronto EMS' 12th year participating in the parade - which celebrates the City of Toronto's diversity. Toronto EMS Paramedics also provide medical support for the participants and those attending the parade. The parade is always a vibrant and festive celebration. Toronto EMS medics taking part in the parade always appreciate the warm welcome they receive from the audience.

Main 9

Main 7

Main 10

Pride Week Parade 2015Pride 2015

The parade this year will be on Sunday June 28th. We are expecting to partner with Peel Paramedic Service again. Please contact MJ Braaksma mjbraaksma@torontoparamedic.com to get involved in the joint Pride effort with Toronto Paramedic Association, Peel Paramedic Associaiton and Toronto & Peel Paramedic Services.



Toronto Paramedic Association

  • 18 King Street East, Suite 1400
    Toronto ON M5C 1C4

  • mail@TorontoParamedic.com