• Dedicated Professionals
  • Caring, Compassionate
  • Ontario's Paramedics
  • Bringing Emergency Medicine to You

Mission Statement

The Toronto Paramedic Association will promote the profession of Paramedicine utilizing the strength and dedication of the membership. The Association supports all members in the performance of their duties through expert knowledge, skill and compassion while also advocating for the profession through public education, community involvement and political engagement.


  • To add value and enhance the quality of Paramedics' lives
  • To promote and shape the future of the Profession of Paramedicine
  • To positively impact the lives of those we serve everyday
  • To educate the public and politicians about paramedics' roles in health care
  • To collaborate with all stakeholders necessary to achieving goals
  • To actively support charitable foundations through our service

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Toronto Paramedic Association

  • 18 King Street East, Suite 1400
    Toronto ON M5C 1C4

  • mail@TorontoParamedic.com